What will it take for you to achieve financial freedom?

Calculate your financial independence number below.

To use our financial independence calculator, please open this page up on your desktop computer.


Your Current Monthly SpendingLifetime Cost Lifetime cost represents how much you will spend in your life. The calculation takes your annual expenses and multiplies it by 25Is it possible to reduce your spending?Your Potential Monthly SavingsThis reflects how much you save every month if you are able to reduce your spendingYour Potential Lifetime SavingsThis is how much you will save in your lifetime if you are able to reduce your spending

Your Current Spending

Your Current Monthly SpendingAverage US Monthly SpendingYour Lifetime CostYour Potential Monthly SavingsYour Potential Lifetime Savings

Your Results

Your Current
Annual Expenses


what you spend each year

Now you can figure out your Financial independence* number, or FI Number.

If you had this amount of money (through savings or investments), it would cover your expenses for the rest of your life.

Fi Number


the savings/investments you need to stop working

Hmm.. that number is scary.

With the small changes to your monthly spending habits that you outlined above, you can reduce your lifetime costs, and lower your FI number.

Your Potential
Lifetime Savings


Based on your ideas to Reduce, Challenge or Eliminate monthly costs, your FI number is reduced to the following amount.

Your Potential
FI Number


Ok, so how do I get there?

The best way to fast track your way to financial
independence is by boosting the amount you save.


By boosting your monthly income, you can boost the amount of money you save also known as your savings percentage.


By reducing your expenses, you can save a higher % of your income while reducing your FI number simultaneously.


Save $200 this Month

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Hope the money bot


If you could make more money, how does your FI number look?

If I were able to make an extra

it would get me ($) closer to financial independence, reducing my FI number to: ($)

Wow! You’ve reduced
your FI number!

Earning extra will get you
this much closer to FI:


Your New Potential FI
Number (with extra income):


But how much time will it take for you to achieve
financial independence?

To find out, let’s take a look at your income.

Are you ready?

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