Hope 14 Day Money Finder Challenge

14 Day Money Finder Challenge

Find an Extra $200
in Just Two Weeks
With Hope

Day 13: Save BIG With Insurance Today

Money Finder Challenge

TODAY’S TASK: Write down how much you paid last month on all of your insurance policies.

Stick with me here, because today we’re going to talk about insurance. I know—it’s not the most exciting topic. But it’s extremely important.

When was the last time you shopped rates on auto, life and homeowner’s insurance? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been a while. But if you shop around using an independent agent, you could save a huge amount of money each year.

Today’s task: Write down how much you paid last month on all of your insurance policies.

Now start shopping for better rates. If you’d like help, reach out to an independent insurance agent in your area. You could save over $700 on insurance policies alone from a short phone call!

Are you wondering what types of insurance you need and what you don’t? Take my free 5-minute Coverage Check-Up here!

Did you find extra money by shopping insurance rates? How much? $___________

Great job! Now record this new number on your piece of paper or in HOPE Budget Manager. You only have one day left!

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Hope 14 Day Money Finder Challenge
Hope 14 Day Money Finder Challenge
Hope 14 Day Money Finder Challenge
Hope 14 Day Money Finder Challenge

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